Also, security is an important section in this network design. Another challenge that we have limited equipment availability, requiring careful selection of components. Secondly, this design accounts for challenges that will be faced when designing network due to the lack of a rich economy like developed countries. Many universities are eager to design a network that meets standards but has always been faced with cost implementation barrier. First, the paper started to explain the design constraints. This network design is composed of many sections. In this paper, an integrated network design for university has been presented. The results show that the IoT based Cloud enhances the patient life style by using smart sensors and mobile application, as well as the physicians can remotely monitor the data in real time. The proposed architecture is designed and configured using Cisco Packet Tracer version 7.0 over two sites: Site 'A' located at smart home and site 'B' located at the smart hospital.

This proposed architecture is different from the traditional IoT architecture that consists of Things, getaways, middleware, and application layers which in turn need connectivity insurance between them. Therefore, this paper proposes IoT architecture based Cloud for healthcare network when patients are remotely monitored by their family and physicians. The integration between Things and Cloud Computing (CC) for monitoring and permanent storage is required for future IoT applications. The Internet of Things (IoT) contains smart devices placed in different environments, connected with each other across networks and Internet. The smart and secure home is implemented using different types of IOE devices with enhanced security, house environment prospective and safety.

In testing the IoT home network wireless network gateway system, multiple electronic devices can be controlled and monitored via smartphone based on predefined configuration conditions. In this we can design, test, see the actual working of the network/model in real time. But in newly released cisco packet tracer 7.2.1 it have more sensors, board, Programming languages, IOE devices. Cisco packet is basically a simulator to teach the student about the network.

We design a IOT based smart and secure home model in latest released cisco packet tracer. In smart home we can operate the household things(fan, light, ac, any applications, door, windows, etc.

That’s why in this paper we have design a smart home with enhance security. Now a day’s people become smarter they want to operate each and everything’s with his smart phone/laptop/pc without going anywhere, it happens due to IOT devices. This is an era of technology we are surrounded with the technology.